Electric recumbent tricycle design
Description and photos of the design and making of an electric recumbent tricycle – finished with a successful test ride. 🙂
Posts about electric bicycles, batteries, chargers, dynamos and lights.
Description and photos of the design and making of an electric recumbent tricycle – finished with a successful test ride. 🙂
Electronic controller of an e-bicycle electric motor. Brief explanation with a couple of photos of how it looks on the inside.
Chinese made 1700 W electric motor, for an electric bicycle (motor in the rear hub).
Photo gallery of a Polar Viper bicycle modified into an electric bicycle
Specialized bicycle modified into an electric bicycle – photo gallery
Hand (custom) made battery housing for a Specialized electric bicycle. Brief explanation and some photos of the procedure.
Short text and some pictures about making Li-ion battery packs for electric batteries.
A few words, and a few pictures, about electric bicycle battery chargers.
Description of DIY making of electric bicycle battery housing.
Types of electric bicycle batteries – brief overview with some pros and cons explained.
General information and my thoughts about electric scooters – i.e. electric kick scooters. What are the technical aspects to consider, pros and cons etc.