Where should I buy bicycle parts (and tools)?
A short list of shops where I buy bicycle parts and tools online – what I’m using and can recommend
Tips for buying bicycles and bicycle parts
A short list of shops where I buy bicycle parts and tools online – what I’m using and can recommend
A very brief (and exclusive) list of offers that I consider good enough to buy myself, or recommend to friends. Nothing more, nothing less.
For a given budget, is it better to buy a new, or a used bicycle? Which one of those gives you more bang for the buck in the long run?
How to ask for help and advice when buying a new or a used bicycle?
Mounting more modern wheels, derailleurs and forks on an old, or vintage frame, in order to make a cheap, and durable bicycle that’s easy to maintain.
Is buying a bicycle on Amazon a good idea? What are the pros and cons? Do they offer a wide range of good choices?
Help when choosing a bicycle – answering the question “what (kind of) bicycle should I buy?”