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Unior frame and fork modular tool set

This post is primarily aimed at mechanics. Unior has made a modular set of tools for bicycle frames and forks, so that you can save both some money and workshop room, still getting good quality tools for the job. Unfortunately, they didn’t tell anyone about it. 🙂 Here I’ll explain how it works and which parts to order, along with all the options. In a separate post I gave a more general overview of Unior bicycle tools (quality, price, availability…). I’ll be using Amazon affiliate links for the products, since Unior have ditched the page with a list of distributors from their website (last website edit had all the old links broken, so I had to re-do all the links in articles – they should have implemented permanent redirections).

Table Of Contents (T.O.C.):

  1. Which jobs can be done with these tools?
  2. Modular tool set parts
    2.1. Handle for reamer and taps – 1695.1/4BI
    2.2. Set of adapter and taps 1697 – 1697.3
    2.3. Adapter for taps ITAL – 1698.2/4
    2.4. Taps ITAL – 1698.1
    2.5. Head tube facing tool frame – 1694.2/4
    2.6. Head tube reamer – 1694.1
    2.7. Bottom bracket reamer tool frame BSA & ITA – 1699.2/4
    2.8. Bottom bracket reamer – 1699.1
    2.9. Bottom bracket facing tool guide BSA – 1699.4BSA
    2.10. Bottom bracket facing tool guide ITAL – 1699.4ITA
    2.11. Tool for taps guide for 1699 – 1699.5/4P
  3. Tool set examples / overview
  4. Conclusion

1. Which jobs can be done with these tools?

Modular tool set exists for the following tasks:

  • Cutting/chasing bottom bracket threads – both for British and Italian standards.
  • Facing bottom bracket shell sides – on all the metal frames with BB shell up to 44 mm in diameter.
  • Facing head tube – for all the head tubes from 1 1/8″ inner diameter and up to 44 mm outer diameter.

For all these tasks it is possible to buy a separate tool from most bike tools manufacturers. What makes Unior special? I’ll explain in the next chapter.

– T.O.C. –

2. Modular tool set parts

Most frame and fork tools have two handles for turning them, with matching adaptors, guides and thread chasing taps, or facing “knives” (reamers). Unior allows practically each part to be bought separately, as a need arises, used with the same set of snap-on handles and guides. This will be clearer in a bit, after looking at the list of all the parts with explanations below.

In each sub-heading I’ll provide a full tool/part name from Unior’s catalogue, catalogue part number and an image containing a link to the product page on Amazon (affiliate link). Tools that can’t be found on Amazon have links to Unior’s website (hope they won’t change link structure again soon). Here you can find a list of local Unior distributors.

– T.O.C. –

2.1 Handle for reamer and taps – 1695.1/4BI

Handle for reamer and taps - 1695.1/4BI
Handle for reamer and taps – 1695.1/4BI.
Picture 1

Catalogue number: 626464

Handle for using all the other tools. Two are needed – so order a pair, unless you need only one in case of damage, replacement, or a need to have two different frame tools “at the ready” at the same time (in which case you’d need a total of 4 or more, of course).

– T.O.C. –

2.2. Set of adapter and taps 1697 – 1697.3

Set of adapter and taps 1697 - 1697.3
Set of adapter and taps 1697 – 1697.3 Picture 2

Catalogue number: 626487

Alignment guides and thread chasers/cutters for British bottom bracket thread standard. New chasers and guides can be bought separately (if they get blunt, damaged etc.). Catalogue parts are: 617310 (chasers) i 626467 (guides). How it looks separately will be shown below, using Italian standard thread tools as an example.

Note that British thread chasers are marked “L” and “R” for left and right handed thread, NOT the side of the frame. So that “L” goes on the right frame side, while the “R” goes on the left. Confused? 🙂

– T.O.C. –

2.3 Adapter for taps ITAL – 1698.2/4

Adapter for taps ITAL - 1698.2/4
Adapter for taps ITAL – 1698.2/4 Picture 3

Catalogue number: 626466

Guides for Italian thread chasers. Without chasers, only guides/adapters. Based on current Unior website info, this set of guides is no longer set separately, without thread chasers for the Italian BB standard.

– T.O.C. –

2.4. Taps ITAL – 1698.1

Taps ITAL - 1698.1
Taps ITAL – 1698.1 Picture 4

Catalogue number: 617590

A pair of Italian thread chasers. British thread chasers can also be bought separately. Unlike the British thread chasers, these two are identical.

– T.O.C. –

2.5. Head tube facing tool frame – 1694.2/4

Head tube facing tool frame - 1694.2/4
Head tube facing tool frame – 1694.2/4 Picture 5

Catalogue number: 626463

Frame/guide of the tools for head tube facing. For using this tool you need one handle and a matching reamer.

– T.O.C. –

2.6. Head tube reamer – 1694.1

Head tube reamer - 1694.1
Head tube reamer – 1694.1 Picture 6

Catalogue number: 617824

It is mounted to the matching frame and can ream metal steerer tubes from 1 1/8″ inner diameter up to 44 mm outer diameter. There’s still no tool for 1″ forks (older standard).

– T.O.C. –

2.7. Bottom bracket reamer tool frame BSA & ITA – 1699.2/4

Bottom bracket reamer tool frame BSA & ITA - 1699.2/4
Bottom bracket reamer tool frame BSA & ITA – 1699.2/4 Picture 7

Catalogue number: 626468

Guide/frame of the bottom bracket facing (reamer) tools. To use it you need one handle, reamer and matching guides.

– T.O.C. –

2.8. Bottom bracket reamer – 1699.1

Bottom bracket reamer - 1699.1
Bottom bracket reamer – 1699.1 Picture 8

Catalogue number: 617592

This reamer is suitable for any metal frame with BB shell of up to 44 mm in diameter, but the matching guides are only available for British and Italian threaded BBs for now.

– T.O.C. –

2.9. Bottom bracket facing tool guide BSA – 1699.4BSA

Bottom bracket facing tool guide BSA - 1699.4BSA
Bottom bracket facing tool guide BSA – 1699.4BSA Picture 9

Catalogue number: 626470

Guides of the bottom bracket shell facing tool, for British standard threaded BBs. Just like with British BB thread chasers, “L” stands for left handed thread and goes into the right side of the frame.

I bought two sets of these, in about 6 months time, and both were built to be too large. It’s a hassle screwing them in, and they do damage the BB shell threads a bit. I sent all the measurements and a video demonstration of the problem to Unior’s Serbian representative about a year ago and haven’t heard from them since (apart from that they will look into it).

– T.O.C. –

2.10. Bottom bracket facing tool guide ITAL – 1699.4ITA

Bottom bracket facing tool guide ITAL - 1699.4ITA
Bottom bracket facing tool guide ITAL – 1699.4ITA Picture 10

Catalogue number: 626469

Guides for italian (threaded) BB shell facing tool. Unlike British BB guides, these two are identical (both have the same right handed thread).

– T.O.C. –

2.11. Tool for taps guide for 1699 – 1699.5/4P

Tool for taps guide for 1699 - 1699.5/4P
Tool for taps guide for 1699 – 1699.5/4P Picture 11

Catalogue number: 626471

This tool is used to screw the BB shell facing tool guides in place – either for British, or Italian standard.

– T.O.C. –

3. Tool set examples / overview

Job / taskTool name – catalogue number
Chasing/cutting BB shell threads
Handle – 626464 two
…for British standardAdapter and taps for BSA – 626487
…for Italian standardAdapter for taps – 626466
Italian thread chasers – 617590

Bottom bracket shell facing
Handle – 626464
BB reamer – 617592
Taps guide insert. tool – 626471
…for British standardBSA guide – 626470
– Poor manufacturing tolerance – hassle to use, avoid if possible
…for Italian standardItal. thread guide – 626469
Head tube facing
Handle – 626464
Frame/guide – 626463
Head tube reamer 1 1/8″ – 617824

– T.O.C. –

4. Conclusion

Unior and their distributors can also use this as a guide for customers (until/unless they make their own guides). It took me a lot of time to look through catalogues and figure out what combines with what in order to get all the needed tools for the job. Since I hate doing the same job twice, I wrote this article. 🙂

For buying Unior tools, you can look for you local distributor, local bicycle, or tool shops, or shop online, using my Amazon affiliate link (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases), or other e-store that sells bicycle tools

Buy Unior tools at Amazon using my affiliate link
Buy Unior tools at Amazon using my affiliate link

Unfortunately, it is hard to find Unior tools on Amazon – either by model name, or number, unlike some other tools. So although I’d love to be able to provide links for particular tools that I’ve been happy with, the supply is not stable and always available.

– T.O.C. –

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