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How to remove a bicycle tyre and tube

This post explains how to remove a bicycle tyre and tube, with step-by-step instructions. How to start:

First a wheel needs to be taken off. Instructions how to do that can be found in this post:
How to remove a wheel.
This article explains different types of tube valves:
BIcycle tyre tubes.

After that follow the procedure:

1. Remove valve cap and valve holding screw (if present)

Schrader valve with threads
Threaded valve with a nut to keep it in place even when the tube is deflated.

2. Completely deflate the tyre

For dunlop valves, unscrew the valve holding screw and take the valve core out. For presta, just unscrew the valve safety, same as when inflating the tyre, then press the valve down to deflate. For schrader (auto) valves, either press on the valve core with a sharp object, or remove the valve core with an appropriate tool.

Deflating a schrader (auto) valve - press the valve core to let the air out.
Deflating a schrader (auto) valve –
press the valve core to let the air out.
Schrader (auto) valve removal tool. It is screwed on the valve as a regular valve cap, while the pointy upper part can be used to unscrew and remove the valve core when needed.
Schrader (auto) valve removal tool.
It is screwed on the valve as a regular valve cap, while the pointy upper part can be used to unscrew and remove the valve core when needed.

3. Unsticking tyre from the bead

Pritiskanjem prstima ka unutra, oko celog točka, guma se odlepljuje sa ležišta.
By pressing with fingers all around the wheel from both sides, the tyre is pushed off the beat – so that it doesn’t stick.

4. Removing tyre off the rim

Tool is put beneath the tyre, carefully not to pinch the tube, then it is pushed downwards and hooked onto the nearest spoke (tools have special hooks on the low side).

Placing a tire lever: putting it between the tyre and the rim, making sure not to pinch the tube with the lever in the process.
Placing a tire lever:
putting it between the tyre and the rim, making sure not to pinch the tube with the lever in the process.

Best with three tyre removing levers, tyre is taken off the rim.

Start with two levers, near adjacent spokes. Then put a third lever next to them. Then continue, always putting the middle lever to one place further, until the tyre is off the rim (near half the circle).
Start with two levers, near adjacent spokes.
Then put a third lever next to them.
Then continue, always putting the middle lever to one place further, until the tyre is off the rim (near half the circle).

5. Removing tube

In the end, tube needs to be removed. Start from the side opposite to the valve and just pull the tube out.

Removing the tube
Removing the tube

Then pull the valve out, moving tyre aside. That frees the tube completely.

Removing the tube part where the valve is.
Removing the tube part where the valve is.

When one side of the tyre is moved off the rim and the tube is taken all the way out, tyre can easily be pulled all the way off the rim.

My video showing how to remove a wheel, tyre, and replace a punctured tube:

How to fix a flat tyre on a bicycle [1020]

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