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Non-https links page and smart Google forum search

I made this page to allow for a safe sharing of relevant http (non-https) links, primarily intended for use on the – the best cycling-related forum in the world (in my opinion, who else’s opinion would I be stating? 🙂 ). forum smart Google search (Serbocroatian)

Table Of Contents (T.O.C.): Google search

Shows only results from the BikeForums – and yes, you can do this yourself, in your browser, by typing: “ your-search-terms”):

– T.O.C. – will replace any “http://…” links with “https://…”
99 times out of 100, that’s with a good reason. However, in the odd case you really wish to link to a page that doesn’t support the https protocol, your links may show an error when the forum software auto-converts them to https.

On this site, however, I can manually add any links I want, including the http ones. To post a link here, you can DM me on the BikeForums (my username there is “Bike Gremlin”) and send me the link (thus confirming you are a forum member), so I can put it here. I will scan the source for viruses and other problems (as I do for all the stuff I link to, don’t want any viruses or similar problems).

To share a link from this page, add the “#link-number” at the end of the link. Or just use the “X. Link to this section” line to get a link for copy/pasting pointing to that line.

Note/disclaimer/general rule or advice:
DO NOT use non-https links for any websites where you are leaving any kind of information (banking, webshops, even forums). On the other hand, for sites where you are just reading information (no log in, passwords or anything similar), the non-encrypted HTTP protocol (yes, that’s a pleonasm! 🙂 ) is perfectly safe in my opinion & experience.
Asymmetric encryption explained

– T.O.C. –

1. Link to this section

Chordal Action explained – i.e. when a chain makes noise, even when your shifting is perfectly tuned and the chain is lubricated:

– T.O.C. –

2. Link to this section

Citroen LHM (and LHS) hydraulic oils info:

– T.O.C. –