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About the author

OK, guess it’s clear from looking at this website that I love bicycles, cycling and sharing that knowledge and love over the Internet.  🙂

My name is Relja Novović. I am from Novi Sad (Serbia). By education, “daytime job” and character (approach to problems) I’m an engineer. Computers and computer networks being my main field of work. Bicycles and cycling are (one of) my passion(s). I’ve been riding bicycles all my life, from the age of 4. Everyone in our house had their bicycle – it was a means of transport and fun.

Since I was always curious about how things work, loved disassembling stuff (and had varying success putting it back together 🙂  ), servicing bicycles and motorcycles came sort of naturally.

Comrade Relja with some hiker in red shirt. :)
Comrade Relja with some hiker in a red shirt. 🙂

I had serviced family bikes with my father since about 7-8 years old, and a few years later on my own. As I got older, about 10, I got my first multi-speed bicycle and could ride further and climb local Fruška Gora mountain. I have always loved the feeling of confidence when knowing how to repair your own vehicle, no matter what happens down the road. Being unable to fix a flat tyre, or set a poorly working derailleur were out of the question! 🙂

In time I rode more and more, and wrenched more and more. Waiting for queue at bike shops during the season, and bad experiences with a few bad mechanics, led me to get more tools, so I can literally fix everything and anything on my own.

Friends, relatives, acquaintances, friends of friends have realized that I was good at fixing bikes so bikes have started coming into service. There were both vintage bikes, and modern ones, with equipment unknown to me. In time, I had realized how much I don’t know. That led me to reading a lot, asking more experienced mechanics for advice, working part time for minimum wage at local bike shops – just so I could learn and gain experience.

The idea behind the Bike Gremlin site was first to help myself – keeping all the important data, tables and references in one place. Second logical step was making it available on the Net, so I could use it wherever I go. Finally, the decision to share it with others – making life easier for other enthusiasts, as well as simplifying answers to frequently asked questions about bicycles, bicycle repairs, maintenance and cycling in general.

My bicycles. 🙂

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