
Bike Team bicycle repair shop in Novi Sad (Serbia)

Briefly: there finally is a bicycle repair shop in my city (Novi Sad – Serbia) that I can recommend with a clear conscience:
Bike Team, run by my friend Miloš Radosavljević. Details are below.

1. Introduction

If you’ve been visiting this website or following the BikeGremlin YouTube channel, you’ve surely realised how much I love riding and fixing bicycles (more about me and the BikeGremlin project). Thanks to that, many people have contacted me with questions:

  • Do I provide bicycle repair services?
  • Which bicycle service do I recommend?

As I’ve explained in my article about the bicycle mechanic as a job, my other love and passion are computers and that’s what I do for a living (it pays a lot better than bike mechanics, at least in Serbia). Nowadays, I ride and fix bikes for friends and family as a hobby, after my day job.
If you’re curious: BikeGremlin I/O computer website.

This is why, for years, I’ve been directing people from around Belgrade to the Grbić Service (whose owner, Saša Grbić is an exceptional fellow and a great mechanic). For Novi Sad and its area, it was hard for me to give any recommendations. At the time of writing, that has changed, and that’s what this article is about.

2. The Bike Team shop and Miloš Radosavljević

I’ve known Miloš Radosavljević for years. We met while he worked in a bike shop I used to buy many spare parts from.

I’ll say this right away, subjectively:
We became friends right away, found a lot of things in common, rode bikes together, talked about work and other stuff. I’ve had the opportunity to see how Miloš works and how he behaves when the situation gets difficult or uncomfortable. That shows character and what a person is really like. For both work and friendship, I try to choose high-quality, good people, and I consider Miloš to be a good man and a good friend.

Despite of what I wrote above, I think that saying this is quite objective:
Miloš works with care and attention to detail. Regardless of whether a bike is expensive or cheap, I’ve never seen him cut corners. He has a lot of knowledge, experience, and patience to advise people well on how and what is best to do – according to their priorities, wishes, and budget.

There are many good mechanics in Novi Sad, but few bike service shops that prioritise quality (mechanics often receive an excessive workload and low pay, resulting in inevitable compromise in the quality of work). As far as I can see, Bike Team does things differently: with an emphasis on quality.

I hope that Bike Team will keep on working well. Both for Miloš and other cyclists’ sake, and for my own – so I needn’t bash my head when people ask me to recommend a good bike shop. 🙂

I enthusiastically volunteered to create the Bike Team website to help the good people who work there. If you find any problems with the site – please let me know so I can fix it.

3. Is this the best bicycle repair shop in Novi Sad?

I don’t know. I don’t watch them at work every day, nor do I check up on every finished bicycle. Also, I still mean what I said in the video about: “The best bicycle repair shop in the world?” Briefly: remember to take your bike to service off-season, in the winter, and give your neighbourhood mechanic a chance (i.e. check out the bike shops near you first).

What I do know is that Miloš (and the others who work at the Bike Team service – I know everyone who works there well) tries to do the job properly, and that he is not one of those people who will try to deceive someone on purpose. I know, that should go without saying for every shop and every mechanic, but in practice it is not the case (at least in my experience).

With the above-written in mind, all I can say is:
If you are in Novi Sad (Serbia) and in need of a bicycle repair, give the Bike Team a try. You might like it. 🙂

4. Address, contact, and conclusion

Note: yes, Miloš speaks English. 🙂

Before I forget – Bike Team shop address is:
Hadži Ruvimova 41, Novi Sad (Serbia)

That’s about it – my thoughts about Miloš’s bike shop. I am curious to hear your feedback and experience. So, for any feedback, questions or comments, you can use this BikeGremlin forum thread.

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Please use the forum for any comments or questions.

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