If you wish to support this website and BikeGremlin YouTube channel – read the articles, watch the videos and let me know what you’ve found useful, and what should be edited, or improved.
Let your friends, who might find this helpful, know about BikeGremlin – “like and share” as they say. 🙂
There is also Patreon and PayPal – if you can, and wish to help with money, pick the way that suits you the most:

BikeGremlin YouTube membership
If you wish to support my work with a $ 5 monthly donation, click on the “Join” button on my YouTube channel:

I’ve also created a web-shop. It is primarily used so I can make whichever T-shirt design I like for myself (and friends), but shopping can also be used for support: 🙂

Help BikeGremlin
stay online & independent
This website is educational, free, objective, and not commercial
(sponsors don’t enjoy paying if you mention all the product downsides that you notice 🙂 ).
How much does a WordPress website cost?
If you find this site to be good and helpful,
and if $5 per month is what you can afford to set aside,
please consider supporting my work with a Patreon donation: