Bicycles and cycling – from an enthusiast, for the enthusiasts 🙂
* BikeGremlin manifest – who are we, what is our mission?
- About the author
- Why “Gremlin”?
- Rules for posting questions, or comments
- Guest posts, linking, and advertising policy
- Workshop address and contact telephone
Bike Gremlin website provides info about cycling, riding techniques, bicycle repair and maintenance instructions, cycling clothing etc.There are posts that explain basic things, for beginners (how to remove a wheel, patch a tyre, how to check a 2nd hand bike before buying etc.). There are also posts that explain advanced riding techniques, for more experienced riders, as well as maintenance and repair tutorials. For mechanics (whether fixing one’s bike at home, or professional), there are posts with tables used for learning, or reference (reminder).
Here are a few tips for easier navigation of the site:
Post types – how complex the topic is and what it is based on. Appropriate icon is shown at the beginning of some posts:
Some posts are marked with two, or three icons. This gives a bit more complex meaning. For example: basic, or advanced level of mechanics (repairs). Or, for posts explaining riding techniques, from which both the novices and the experienced cyclists can gain more knowledge – depending on their level of skill and application of explained techniques. And similar.
Categories (contents) – all the posts are grouped by categories, based on the topic they explain. All the categories are listed in the drop-down main menu on top. List of all the published posts sorted by categories is in the top right sidebar part, named “Table of contents“.
Search – search field is right next to the menu on the top.
For start, a list of recently published posts can be used – it is on the right hand side.
“Bid spilling” – 🙂 English is not my mother tongue. I try my best, but if you find some spelling, or grammar errors, or poor sentence construction – please let me know, it will be corrected.
Product links – some pages contain links with products that the site’s author finds to be a good, quality choice. Links are usually made to open an website search window, with pre-defined search querries. There, visitors can see what the products look like and compare the prices. Bike Gremlin uses Amazon affiliate program. This means, if visitors buy products using a link from this site, the price is the same as if going directly to, but Bike Gremlin gets a small donation from Amazon. This helps pay for hosting, domain and website security.
Disclaimer: all the information and advice given on this website is to be taken as: “to the best of my knowledge / as far as I know”, i.e. “what has worked best for me so far”. BikeGremlin does in no way accept any responsibility for any damages, or injuries resulting in taking the advice / information given on this website. Any additions, corrections, or constructive criticism are more than welcome. For that, you can use the Questions & Answers page.